Tuesday, June 9, 2020

College Essay Donts

College Essay Don'tsAs a college student, writing an essay is a major part of your education, and by no means should you allow any college essay don'ts to get in the way of the proper process. Having a well-crafted paper will not only increase your grade, but will also give you a feeling of accomplishment for accomplishing this task, something that will stick with you for the rest of your life.As students, we know what to do to make sure that our essays are up to par. We understand how to format them properly, how to set them up properly, and we have read up on all of the basic information about essay writing and how to get started. What most students do not realize is that when it comes to college essays, there are some college essay don'ts that can cause you problems down the road.One of the first don't that many college students make is the use of acronyms in their essays. A few of the more common and popular acronyms are better left unmentioned, but we will touch on them briefly. First, there is a Theosophist, Theology, Mysticism, Astrology, and Archaeometry. Using these in your essays can be very helpful, as long as you do not place too much emphasis on them.If you want to talk about religion in your essay, a good example of how to do this would be by mentioning a historical event, such as the Virgin Birth or Jesus' virgin birth. On the other hand, if you are talking about one of the many other forms of spirituality, such as Zen Buddhism, you might want to consider leaving it out, unless you are trying to explain why these forms of spirituality are effective.Another don't that is frowned upon by many students is not using certain types of terminology. If you want to refer to the Virgin Mary as a grandmother, or to the sun as God, you may want to speak to a teacher about the proper use of these terms.For many college students, their career during college is the biggest determining factor in how they will live in as adults. If you do not like the field you a re working in, you will probably not enjoy the rest of your life working in that field. If you do like the field you are working in, do not leave your writing judgment to someone else.Choosing major topics is the biggest don't of all, because no matter how good you think your writing is, if you do not choose a topic that interests you, your writing will probably fall flat. Look at the college essay don'ts as guidelines to writing better essays, not suggestions for topics that you cannot possibly write about, whether they are religious or not.College students should have all of the facts available before they start writing, and they should make sure that they are using the information in a logical manner. However, as with all things, too much information can work against the student in college, and all the don'ts discussed here should be taken into consideration by anyone writing a college essay. Good luck to you and your college writing!

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