Friday, May 8, 2020

Conflict Management Styles Among Corporate Executives

Choosing a topic and problem for a signature assignment which is very close to a research topic could be a hurdle. It requires good literature review which is derived by tapping and evaluating previous researchers’ efforts and expertise. A potential research study on â€Å"Conflict Management Styles among Corporate Executives in Developing Countries – Nigeria a Case Study† is considered for a signature assignment. Conflict is inevitable and exists everywhere. In organizational system, conflict and methods of conflict management influences different groups (employees, management team and executives). Conflicts are realities of life and can be defined as a â€Å"situation of competition in which the parties involved are quite aware of the incompatibility of future condition whereby each party wishes to occupy a position that is incompatible with the wishes of the other† (Olu Adesubomi, 2013, p. 2). They have no boundaries. They occur whether we like it or n ot, especially when there is disagreement and misunderstanding which stands as major key characteristics of human relationships. The relationship could be domestic, national, or international (Spiroska, 2014). Furthermore, conflicts happen when people are incompatible. In the organizational setting, conflict could arise due to failure of the employer, not honoring certain agreed bargaining. Henry (2009) indicated that if the workers’ right and prerogative is not appropriated rightly, it could cause conflict; such workers’Show MoreRelatedConflict Management Styles Among Corporate Executives1161 Words   |  5 Pagesprevious researchers’ efforts and expertise. A potential research study on â€Å"Conflict Management Styles among Corporate Executives in Developing Countries – Nigeria a Case Study† is considered for a signature assignment. Conflict is inevitable and exists everywhere. In organizational system, conflict and methods of conflict manageme nt influences different groups (employees, management team and executives). Conflicts are realities of life and can be defined as a â€Å"situation of competition in whichRead MoreConflict Management Styles Among Corporate Executives1751 Words   |  8 Pages Considering a potential research study on â€Å"Conflict Management Styles among Corporate Executives in Developing Countries – Nigeria a Case Study†, for a signature assignment as one prepares for dissertation topic requires good concentration. It requires a lot of time for proofreading to avoid errors and as well ethical issues. However, to achieve this, this paper will address: a problem statement, purpose statement, research method, describe potential study participants, research questions, theRead MoreA Research Study On Organizational Conflict969 Words   |  4 Pagesassess the viability of study related to my degree specialization. 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