Sunday, February 16, 2020

A Report on the Marketing Activities of the 2012 London Olympics Essay

A Report on the Marketing Activities of the 2012 London Olympics - Essay Example The report further discusses the effectiveness of the internet as a medium of promotion and concludes that it has been really successful in reaching out to identified market segments Introduction The London 2012 Olympics are an event of a lifetime. The excitement for this event builds up as every seconds passes by, as without any doubt this would to be the biggest sporting event of the year. The London 2012 Olympics provide an opportunity to all companies of the United Kingdom to promote their image throughout the world and that's the core reason why many major companies can be seem to tag along the London 2012 Olympics as official sponsors. There are further four categories of sponsors, namely, worldwide partners, official partners, official supporters and official suppliers and providers. This report seeks to shed a light on the marketing mix being used promote London 2012 Olympics, the marketing activities being used and the segments that are being targeted. Aims and Objectives Ev ery country that host the Olympics does so because of the benefits that come along with it. Organizers of the London 2012 have the following hope to achieve the following aims as they prepare for the largest sporting event of the year: To increase tourism to the UK by inspiring travelers from all over the world to come and explore the country and thereby generate revenue for the national exchequer To generate employment for the local people as country prepares for the Olympics To promote local companies on an international scale through the help of sponsorship campaigns To sell media, marketing and PR rights to companies all over the world and make sure proper coverage is provided to them To promote the culture and traditions of the United Kingdom throughout the world and portray our image as one of the most friendliest nations of the world What Market Segments Are Being Targeted Through These Marketing Activities For any activity to work out properly, one needs to define a core are a which needs to be addressed and then work upon it. Similarly, the organizers of the 2012 London Olympics aim to target the following segments: To reach out to new and prospective customers in major emerging markets of the world To refresh the appeal of our country in major existing markets Marketing Activities Being Used To Promote The London 2012 Olympics There are a lot of marketing activities that are currently being used to promote the main event of the year. From my research undertaken and the visit to the Olympics site on 14th December, 2011, I have come to the conclusion that its not just the main event that needs to be marketed, but other associated events can also help to generating a lot of revenue. Marketing activities need to be directed towards the right holding of international media broadcasters, towards the promotion of cultural Olympiads, the pregame training sessions, the torch relay event as well as towards the promotion of the various sites where the 2012 Olymp ics events will take place (Horne & Whannel, 2012). The importance of properly marketing this event could not be better understood then by this quote by Michael Payne, IOC's director or marketing, â€Å"Britain will be in the front page of every single newspaper in every single country in the world for three weeks....There are not many other opportunities which guarantee you such exposure five years in advance†. News media includes TV as well as print journalism. Without any doubt news media has been one of the biggest mediums that has been used

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Hagar in The Stone Angel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hagar in The Stone Angel - Essay Example On various occasions the hero of a tragedy is given opportunities to overcome his mistakes. Many modern writers have extended the category of a tragic hero and have included a common man who is equally capable of becoming a tragic hero. Hagar, in The Stone Angel is one such example. Hagar is a common woman with self-made dignity. She has a misstep, a tragic flaw, which is her unconquerable pride. As she says â€Å"Pride was my wilderness and the demon that led me there was fear... [I was] never free, for I carried my chains within me, and they spread out from me and shackled all I touched.† Her pride became the cause of her failed relationships with her father, brothers and sons. On various occasions Lawrence makes us understand her proud nature. She would not pretend to be her mother to console her dying brother. The incident ruined her relationship with her brother Matt. Her proud nature became the cause of her poor relationship with her husband. She felt too proud to show her emotions towards her husband. She refused to let John and Arlene stay in her house for the night. She refused to cry at the death of Arlene. â€Å"I shoved her [matrons] arms away.  Ã‚  I straightened my spine... I wouldnt cry in front of strangers, whatever it cost me†. The realization, that her pride came in the way of her son’s happiness, came to her very late. Hagar refused to adjust herself to the circumstances. She would not shift to the nursing home and instead told Doris and Marvin to move out of the house. Her stubborn nature came in the way of her happiness. It led her to her destruction. The tragedy of Hagar is that she refuses to change. Although Hagar and King Lear appear similar in their journey to self-discovery, a major difference becomes evident in the after effects of their epiphanies. Lear is redeemed after his epiphany and pushes away his pride. He reconciles with his daughter and is sent to jail, which does not matter